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Meet the Artist : Leeniale

Updated: Jun 3, 2019

Hello! We are continuing onto our second interview, and we have Leeniale from New York! If you're curious for some helpful tips on sticker making, she gives some great advice, and has a cute story for her chacracter. Please keep on reading to find out more!

Could you present yourself in a few words?

My name is Elaine Hoang, I was born and raised in Charlotte, NC. I am currently living in NYC and recently switched careers from a fashion designer to a freelance illustrator and part-time church volunteer. 

Why your pseudo “Leeniale”?

Leeniale is a play with the letters from my name Elaine backwards. I’m a little eccentric and I couldn’t think of a normal handle... so like how Haagen-daz has no meaning and their ice cream is still on high demand. I thought why not jumble some very familiar letters together and make something that sounds interesting? It is pronounced Leeni-ale

I’ve been following you for awhile on Instagram and familiar with your character, but for those who aren’t can you tell us more about it. How did you come up with it?

Contrary to popular belief, she’s not a bunny. Haha! Though I wish she was then I wouldn’t have to explain myself and dissipate all the confusion. Kind of like how Hello Kitty is actually a girl, my character is a girl in a onesie with a knot on her head

While I was doodling I recalled a childhood memory when my mom used to wrap me up in my favorite blanket every night before she put me to bed. So my character is a cartoonized, exaggerated version of that but I just wanted to convey silliness and comfort.

Have you ever considered creating little stories for your character?

I have! Comical depictions of everyday life in the city but unfortunately, I’m not much of a comic artist.

When did you start drawing?

As long as I can remember. I think when I picked up a pencil, haha! The main reason I got into drawing was to impress my elementary teacher. I remember being frustrated when I couldn’t accurately draw certain things and my mom telling me that there is no such thing as overnight success so I diligently practiced everyday after doing my homework. Now I’m a firm believer of practice and even today I’m still practicing. 

And what inspires you in your illustrations?

I think a mixture of G-d’s creation such as flowers, animals, nature in general, music, and other illustrators. 

Are there any artists who inspire you?

Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, Hayao Miyazaki, Antonio Soares.... and I drool over many many Instagram illustrators daily. 

Do you spend a lot of time drawing? 

I do! Actually, I’ve dropped drawing for many years now and recently got back into it at the end of 2018 so I was very rusty and felt I needed to draw and paint a lot more to explore technique and mediums. 

Do you have a favorite, and least favorite thing or subject do draw?

This changes often, but recently my favorite thing to draw are buildings and scenes, and I dislike drawing animals in a realistic style.

What’s your prefered medium for drawing?

Definitely watercolor and gouache

Could you describe your workspace a bit for us?

I have a little desk in the corner of my living room next to a window. I love the sunlight and plants, they make me happy. And I have random art plastered on my wall, post cards, meaningful words and work in progress pieces to keep me inspired.

Besides illustration, do you have any other hobbies you enjoy?

I enjoy reading, shopping, exploring, eating, people watching, and good conversations.

You seem to always be out and about, so I'm curious do you sometimes draw outside from home?

Rarely but this is something I’m going to do more of since the weather has finally gotten warmer!

You’re currently selling sticker sheets, what do you plan in the future?

Oh man where do I begin? I feel like it’s good to be ambitious but also realistic. So I have a long term dream and short term goals. Haha, my current goals is to get vinyl stickers manufactured so my customers can receive more durable quality items and I also plan on selling art prints. For the future, the possibilities are endless? I’d love to paint more patterns to put on products that aren’t limited to maybe handkerchieves, scarves,  totes and onesies?!?

Would you have any tips or advice for someone who’d like to create their own stickers?

I have two answers for two groups of people, the first is for someone who just wants to make stickers and the second for someone who plans on opening a sticker shop: 

If you just want to make stickers:

I use an inkjet printer, print settings at best quality on full A4 sticker paper. Then I use my silhouette cutter to cut out the sticker sheets. I usually hand draw and paint my stickers on paper then scan them, transfer them to photoshop to put them into sheets. Though if you like to digital art, I’ve recently found that using procreate on my iPad is way faster and produces better results.

Now, if you want to start a sticker shop: 

My first advice is to remember to stay true to yourself regarding your art. There are plenty of sticker shops so you might be tempted to copy what others are already doing but you don’t need to mimic existing sticker styles. It is more sustainable for you in the long run to be you, enjoy the art you produce and keep developing your own style. I think most of my customers like that my designs are “unique” and they can’t find it anywhere else. 

Also, don’t wait! If you already have ideas then make prototypes and sell them! Don’t let your doodles just rot in your sketchbook. I’ve learned more by actually making them and trying to selling them than visualizing how it’ll work out in my head.

Someone once said “If you’re not embarrassed by the first version of your product, you’ve launched too late." You will only keep improving your stickers once you start selling them! 

Before to finish this interview, I just have 5 last little questions :

What’s your favorite color?


What’s your favorite food?

All types of noodles

If you had a time machine, which era would you travel back to?

Victorian Era 

Your favorite series or movie?


Is there a place you’d love to visit?

Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia

Thank you Elaine for answering all of our questions!


If you are interested in seeing more of Leeniale' s work you can find her on :

Instagram : @leeniale

Etsy : Boutique

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